Friday, August 4, 2017

Blog Take Over Post Three: Katy's Disney Art!

Looky looky I found Hooky...just kidding it's me Katy and I'm back again for my final Disney post this week! I've so enjoyed sharing all my "knowledge" with you and I really hope you learned something from it. 

Today I'm going to show you guys my body...ok, my Disney tattoos! I've been getting "inked" for 11 years now and I'm lucky enough that my brother is an amazing tattoo artist, so he helps fuel my addiction. I have over 30 tattoos and 9 of those are Disney related. I'm able to express my self through my tattoos and I can honestly say I regret none of them. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 
    Snow White.
    She was the first Disney princess and one of my favorites so I felt she deserved to be front and center...after all she did start it all. 
    He's my newest tattoo. Rafiki is the reason I fell in love with Disney so it felt right to have him on my hand
    Disneyland sign.
    This is probably my favorite tattoo. I love the colors I love the style...I'm obsessed. This is also probably my most admired tattoo from my fellow "Disnerds".
    "Think Happy Thoughts".
     This is a quote from Peter Pan. If you read my first post here I talked about having an anxiety disorder. I got this as a reminder to think good things when I'm in those moments of panic...and also because it's Peter Pan...duh.
    Genie's lamp. 
    Main Street coordinates.
    I got this matching tattoo with my cousin who I go to Disney with every year. 
    Kissing Mickey & Minnie. 

    Sleeping Beauty's castle. 
    Peter Pan shadows. 
This November I'm lucky enough to get tattooed by Miss Mae La Roux. If you don't know who she is I highly suggest going to her Instagram. She specializes in Disney tattoos and she is mind blowing. This will be my longest, biggest and most expensive piece. It's going to be insane and I'm definitely counting down the days.

Thank you guys so much for following along this week with me as I spewed Disney all over Brittney's blog...and of course a special thanks to Brittney! This has been so much fun and I've enjoyed sharing my love for Disney with you all. Remember to always have courage and be kind.

If you want to keep up with my Disney filled life head on 
over to my Instagram: MainStMuse. Let's be friends! 

1 comment:

  1. Disney tattoo designs are my favourite designs. The you for sharing such beautiful designs.


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